
Thursday 24 May 2012

A piece of heaven

Hello ya'll

I wish everyone on earth could wake up to this every morning...

Life has been glorious since the days are longer the sun is warm and the feeling of summer is in the air.  Hot days and cool nights are the most romantic of all.  Your skin is tanned to a perfect golden get to wear pretty summer clothes during the day and then at night you still get to wear your favourite pair of jeans and that perfect sweater.  

The garden is all done.  What an amazing feeling to know that after all the hard work, soon there will be new plants growing and eventually a bounty of fresh veggies every day.

I acquired the most perfect decorative furniture at Walmart while picking up new garden hoses. Take a peak...

Thank you to our neighbour Rheal for bringing his tiller to mix the new topsoil in with the garden. 

We planted peas, green beans, yellow beans, romano beans, purple pole beans, swiss chard, spinach, radishes, beets, red potatoes, white potatoes, mixed lettuce, radicchio, arugula, tomatoes, red shepherd peppers, chili peppers, yellow banana peppers and red onions.  I can't wait to start eating all of it and what we don't eat gets put in the freezer for the winter.  I look forward to sharing pictures and recipes of all the glorious things my nonna taught me.

This week was another special one in our family.  My baby girl graduated as a Cambrian College Scholar and she was also on the president's list!!!!  She has come a long way and has worked very hard to make this day possible.  She is my hero.  I love you dolly!!  Here are a few highlights from the ceremony and her graduation dinner at Respect is Burning, my favourite place other than home to eat...

My new favourite picture of my children

Congratulations Kaytlin I am so very proud of you.  I love you

The horses are doing well even though they are not grazing on fresh pasture yet. They are quite content.  They were ridden this week but they ultimately love just chillin'...

The baby goats are eating well and quite content.  Sophy is putting more weight on her leg.  It looks so promising for her.  I am so proud of the casting job we did.  We will definitely remove the cast and check it out this week end.  

We've  put Momma goat and Pepper together.  Pepper was getting greedy and eating Moomoo's grain after he was done his.  I was concerned that he wasn't getting enough to eat.  She hasn't come into heat yet and she is putting him off hard core!  They are quite content keeping each other company.  Pepper keeps wooing Momma but she'll keep putting him off until probably mid July when she comes into heat.  

The bunnies are feasting on fresh cut grasses twice a day.  I am happy to say are thriving beautifully.

Kyana, the newest member of our brood is a joy to have around.  She has captured our hearts and keeps us entertained---I'm talkin' belly laughs!!!  She is holding her own with her older feline.  Jaydee is coming around slowly but surely.  She still growls a bit but they can be within a few feet from each other without a cat fight breaking out.  She roams the house freely now- we don't put her in the bathroom any longer.  The next step is to move her food and litter box into Jaydee's room...I will take that slowly.  Here is Kyana chillin' with daddy.

As the sun sets on my piece of heaven enjoy yours. 

Live Love Laugh...
Good night ya'll

Saturday 19 May 2012

A liitle sad but an awesome week

Hello ya'll

It's been a busy, sad and exciting week at the farm.  The days are warmer.  The sunrises have been beautiful...

The sunsets, spectacular...

 everything is GREEN and the whippoorwills are out..

It's been gardening week.  We have been weeding the garden getting it ready for planting.  This passed gardening season was not a successful one.  Because it was so wet last year, Sergio put some clay in it.  As the gardening season progressed the garden became too hard and hardly anything grew and it was difficult to keep the weeds under control.  It took us 4 days to weed the whole garden by HAND!!  We removed all the weeds and all the clay  This morning we had a full truckload of top soil delivered so hopefully we will have a luscious, bountiful garden this year.

We will be spreading the top soil tomorrow and hopefully planting on Monday.

Two sad things to tell you.  After three days of bottle feeding the baby rabbit, it passed away Wednesday morning.  I was mortified when I went into the bunny coop and found his lifeless body in the cage.  Tears flowed as I carried him into the house to tell Sergio.  He did not know what to say poor thing but reassured me that I had done all I could to save him.  Friday morning when I went to the chicken coop a chicken had passed away as well.  This was a shocker.  I noticed no difference in any of the chickens except I was only getting 5 eggs a day instead of six.  This too was upsetting but it didn't bother me as much as the little bunny.  Raising animals is an emotional roller coaster but they have taught me patience, kindness, respect and a different kind of love that I had never experienced before I started raising my "furry" babies. They are always happy to see you and they love you unconditionally (especially at feeding time!!)

The rest of the animals are doing well.  I started weaning Moomoo.  I wanted to just cut out his morning bottle and just give him one at dinner but it was breaking my heart knowing how much he loves it.  I decided to give him a small pepsi bottle of milk instead of a 2 litre one.  He was a little shocked when the bottle ran out so quickly but it seemed to satisfy him.  He is eating his grain very well.

The kitten is doing amazing.  Last night was the first time I didn't put her in the bathroom during the night.  She definitely loves her daddy  more than me which I think is adorable but I definitely am very JEALOUS.  Jaydee is starting to come around but her nose is still out of joint.

Kyana you are so sweet

Lesley and Sergio went out for a nice trail ride with Booboo and Scottie and even Katie rode Booboo this week.  Let's hope they can calm Booboo down so I can start riding again.

It was my mommy's 70th birthday this week end so we had a little party for her at the farm.  My brother John, came up with my two nieces Anna and Alessia.  My baby nephew Adriano was sick so he stayed in Woodbridge with his mommy.  Hope you feel better soon dolly!!! 

Enjoy some pics of the girls feeding the babies and Mommy's birthday.  We are very tired this week but very content that the hard part of the garden is complete.  I think I will try and sleep in past 7:00 tomorrow.  Thanks for reading and have a safe and happy long week end.