
Friday 20 April 2012

The beginning

hello ya'll
My son started a blog a while ago about snowboarding "City's World".  I love reading it and enjoy his videos and pictures and listening to him speak of something he is so passionate about.  One sunday when we were having our weekly family dinner, I was so excited about my new baby cow my husband bought me, he suggested that I start my own blog about the farm since it is MY passion. 

I was raised in the city.  The eldest daughter if Italian parents, i was taught to do well in school, work hard from a young age,  be respectful and be responsible.  I fell in love at 16 to a young italian man.  His father had a farm.  He raised goats and sheep, rabbits and had egg layers.  My husband bought me a horse and our love affair with horses began, At 18 he proposed to me while we were on a trail ride overlooking Pops' farm.We were married at 21.  I have 3 children.  A son 25, a son 23 and  a daughter 20.  I have worked with special needs children since I was 18 and my husband is a successful business man.  We started out like every other young married couple in 1985, working hard saving money to pay off our house.  We were very blessed.  As our successes grew and life got easier.  Our family got busy and time on the farm became less and less.  Pops' unfortunately had a stroke and the farm was sold.  We built our dream home and life kept getting bigger and busier.  Sadly, the more we achieved  the more I became lost. When my daughter was 12 she asked her daddy to take horseback riding lessons and so the love affair with horses resumed.  By september of that year she had her own horse.  Queensville Charmer "Char" was an injured Quarter Horse racer, but to my 12 year old Kaytlin, her dream.  She was skiddish and very fast but with love and patience she became a wonderful animal and eventually a spectacular mother.  By Christmas we acquired Tomboy's Shadow " Scottie".  He is also a Quarter Horse.  He needed a little more training but has become our constant, the one we could always count on.  We boarded our horses 45 minutes away from our home.  Slowly but surely our love affair with our horses became tedious.  Full time jobs, full time lives and a huge home to maintain, I became even more lost.  On one very sad day where Scottie was having some training, I felt he was being mistreated by his trainer and this is where my life changed.  I wanted to take care of my animals on my own.  We sold our home and bought a magnificent piece of property in the country.  The house was small and simple which I adored since maintaining it would be so simple and I could spend more time outside in my new paradise   

the homestead from the mountains
horses in the field in the fall

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sonia, what a great blog you have here. I really enjoyed your stories. Looking forward to more. Your blog reads like a good book, thank you for sharing. You are charming!
    Your friend Barbie Doll.
