
Monday 30 April 2012

A new home for the goats

Hello ya'll

It's been busy a busy week around the farm.  The baby bunnies now have fur and their eyes are open.  They are 10 days old now and absolutely adorable.  They will be jumping around in no time.  Cappucino is a wonderful mom.  Ronnie's babies are growing nicely.  Soon she will wean her babies because they are eating well.

The two new baby goats are finally eating well, growing and quite content.   Now that we have the beginnings of a little herd, it was definitely time to give them their own space. 

We had an old garden shed that was in the middle of the garden and not serving any particular purpose  so thanks to our dear neighbour Rheal, we moved it.  This was not an easy task!!  Sergio tried to drag it with the tractor but it was just ripping  apart.  Rheal showed up with his lovely front end loader with the large forks attached.  We decided to place it beside the barn so it was close enough that we could see the goats from the house and so Cujo could watch over them easily (he is getting older and he takes his job VERY seriously).  We removed all the tractor attachments and added some top soil so we could plant pasture mix to allow them to graze.  There are natural juts of rock and the footing is uneven which is perfect for the goats to jump and play.  The shed was carefully carried and placed on the foundation.  I was so pleased to see Rheal's skill in working the front end loader.  He placed it perfectly on the two railroad ties.  Might sound so simple but 2 1/2  later we had the beginnings of our goats' new home.  Wish I had pictures of the move but it was spur of the moment and so intense I didn't have time to get the camera.

Saturday morning we quickly but efficiently did all our barn chores and off we were to Home Depot to get materials to renovate the old garden shed for a cute little house for my growing herd. We picked a sand coloured panel siding, what we thought were more brown shingles, roofing nails and I got another surprise from my honey...a PINK hammer to match my PINK tool belt.  For those of you who know me, you know how important anything pink is to me.  Thank you my darling for all the little things, they mean so much to me.  We even bought a window for our little muffins.  We loaded up our materials anxious to get back home and get started.  

We began by stripping off the old shingles then carefully measured, cut and nailed in the siding.  Sergio loves to bring out the table saw and all his tools and I love to get in there like a dirty sock.  Demolition is my favourite thing to do.  He calls me a little bull in a china shop which is awesome because I have a little bull now!!  By the way Moomoo is growing exponentially .  He stays outside during the day and only comes in the barn at night now. The instalment of the window was interesting because where I wanted it placed where it was going to compromise the structure of  the building.  Putting two strong minded Italians together becomes very interesting, even trickier when one doesn't understand structural things and the other one does it for a living.  Like the awesome team we are VOILA!!!!!

The scaffolding you see in the picture was a great idea.  So much easier than balancing on a ladder on uneven surfaces especially when it came to shingling the roof.  Now I had never shingled before and my honey is not a teacher, so it took me a while to get the hang of it but once I did, me and my pink hammer were AMAZING!!  

Earlier on when I told you that we thought we had brown shingles...We were wrong.  We got black ones by accident.  Instead of going back into town, which leaving the farm on the week end is a stretch for me, we designed the shingles to match the interior of my car.  Black half way up and brown at the top. 

Unfortunately we couldn't finish our project because April 29th is an important day.  My eldest son celebrated his 25th birthday on Sunday.  Sunday dinner at the farm is a MUST show up unless you are dying day but because it was Kris' birthday and they just purchased their new home, Lesley made her honey family dinner at their house.  She did an AMAZING job. Enjoy the pics and good night ya'll.  Thanks to the people in Russia, Germany, Italy, USA and home for reading.

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